Traveling with the Barely Domesticated. You know who you are….

Back from Bonnie Springs Ranch in Las Vegas and reflecting on what an amazing trip it was. Between the beautiful views, wonderful friends, good food, great rides, and being able to share it with my wild partner, Tim, it was a trip to remember for a long time. I’ll have to suffice with my memories until the next time.

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10 Things I Learned on My Trip to Bonnie Springs:

1. I’m more domesticated than I imagine myself to be. I’m now in search of a small generator for longer dry camping trips. I need to be able to plug in my chargers, and more importantly, my “Snore Sucker” CPAP machine. I’m also envisioning the blissful air conditioning in the valley summer heat. If you’re not familiar with the Sacramento valley, it’s hot.  Like, Africa hot. Amazon, here I come….


2.  Sleeping with the sound of horses rustling next to the camper is very relaxing.   Wild burro braying at 1:30 in the morning, not so much.


3. Renting a ranch horse sometimes is a beautiful way to take in the countryside. We had a few relaxing rides on the ranch horses who were well behaved, very well fed, and so over the whole messing around thing. They just trudged up the hills uncomplaining and stood obediently for pictures, and allowed us to enjoy the beautiful desert unfolding around us.


4. Mustangs don’t forget. Observing Tim in his home environment was fascinating. When grazing through the vegetation, he bypassed greenery and picked up what looked like dead sticks. Just chomped them right up happily. Must be some secret kind of health food for horses. He also sipped greedily from the small hoof indentations in the sand, which had collected rainwater. The fresh water from the sky must have tasted so good to him. Also, Mustangs in the wild must travel constantly in search of food and water, so his instincts must have kicked in… don’t pass up a puddle no matter how small.

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5. Wild burros are adorable. Come on, they just are….


6. Beautiful breathtaking vistas are good for the soul.  Drink in every moment.


7. Ranch hands work hard – tip them.


8. Riding a Mustang through the desert feels like you’re in the movies. Navigating through cactus and brush, in and out of ravines, scaring up some deer in the trees felt exactly how I’ve seen it…. until, of course, you see the pictures. Not so much. It was amazing to experience what my brave wild pony can do, even hauling me with him.


9. Even a rainy desert morning in the camper is fantastic.  So cozy and nice in my camper with Tim in a covered pen waiting for the rain to clear.  We managed to sneak in a ride later in the day and as I was untacking, the rain started up again.  Timing is everything!


10. I’m lacking organizational skills for food stuffs in a huge way. Next blog….
