Barely Domesticated. You know who you are….

Greetings…  I’m Sarah Dickinson, a restless soul eager for adventure, and have been told I am barely domesticated.  Of course I have.  I know there are more of you out there, and you know who you are.

I yearn for adventure, but not just any adventure.  You see, I’m hopelessly addicted to horses.  Not just any horses, though.  I’m addicted to building a true partnership with my own horse built on trust, fairness, acceptance, excellent horsemanship, and love.  As part of my journey, I want to enjoy travel and adventure with my own equine partner.  Where the rubber (my passion) meets the literal road.

My equine partner in crime also has an adventurous soul.  As a wild Mustang from North East Nevada, he was born to travel.  Wild Mustangs will cover 25 miles a day, easy peasy.  My “Tim” was captured on January 2010 as a 3 year-old stallion, so he had learned how to survive in the wild and enjoys being out on the trail, or really anywhere that is out.  He’s sensible and kind and funny, but still retains his wild nature (barely domesticated)  and will happily walk along munching on a big sticker bush he snatched from the trail.  Tim is a natural athlete, and we enjoy arena sports such as obstacle challenges, dressage, cow work, but our best time is on the trail.

Sarah&Tim beach

This year I bought my first living quarters trailer (Equispirit Sole Mate), so I can pack up my gear, pack up Tim, and I’m ready to go!  I’m a middle-aged empty nester seeking adventure with my sturdy equine partner.  I want adventure, but come on….  I’m way over “roughing it”.

After taking several test runs in the LQ trailer, I’m getting ready to head out on the first big trip…..  Next stop:  Las Vegas baybeeee!  In the spirit of the tiny house movement, I’m using every bit of space I can in my trailer.


Eleven flakes of hay securely stored here!




First Aid for 4 legged AND 2 legged creatures

Stall card identifying the horse and my contact numbers

Saddle bags

Extra Halter

Pick and Broom

Grain and Treats

Grooming and Bathing supplies

Buckets (3 sizes)

Room to spare!

I’m also starting to use the space inside the trailer wisely, but I’ll get into detail about that later.

My checklist for the trip:  IMG_1700


Wish us luck!  I’ll be writing about my travels with Getaway Horseplay, and sharing travel tips, trailering tips, and anything interesting or otherwise.  Adventure awaits.  Your horse wants to go!

Tim in trailer

***Afternote:  I forgot a stall card with my horse’s information and my information!